Das ist eigentlich ein Duplikat zu [Wie kann ich die Fläche zwischen mehreren Pfaden füllen?][1]. Die dortige [Antwort von @cfeuersaenger][2]übertragen @cfeuersaenger][2] übertragen auf Deine Frage liefert (vorausgesetzt, ich habe richtig verstanden, was gefärbt werden soll):
![alt text][3]
\pgfdeclarelayer{pre main}
\pgfsetlayers{pre main,main}
\coordinate (D) at (0,0);
\coordinate (S) at ($(D)+(-1,3)$);
\coordinate (S1) at ($(D)+1.5*(-1,3)$);
\coordinate (A) at ($(S)-(-3,-0.5)$);
\coordinate (B) at ($(S)+(-3,-0.5)$);
\coordinate (RA) at (2,-1); %Verschiebungsrichtung von A ins Unendliche
\coordinate (A1) at ($(A)+(RA)$);
\coordinate (RB) at (-2,-1); %Verschiebungsrichtung von B ins Unendliche
\coordinate (B1) at ($(B)+(RB)$);
\coordinate (D1) at ($(D)+0.25*(1,6.5)$);
\coordinate (D2) at ($(D)+(-2,1.8)$);
\draw[name path=CD] ($(D)!5!(D1)$)--($(D1)!5!(D)$);
\draw[name path=ED] ($(D)!6!(D2)$)--($(D2)!4!(D)$);
\fill (S1) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at(S1){$S$};
\node[anchor=north] at($(D)-(-0.1,0.1)$){$D$};
\fill (D) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[->] (A)--(A1);
\node[anchor=north west]at(A1){$A_{\infty}$};
\draw[->] (B)--(B1);
\node[anchor=south east]at(B1){$B_{\infty}$};
\foreach \i in {-40,...,13}{
\coordinate (Q) at ($(D)!0.1*\i!(D1)$);
\coordinate (Q1) at (intersection of D--D2 and Q--S1);
\coordinate (P\i) at (intersection of {$(Q)+(RA)$}--Q and {$(Q1)+(RB)$}--Q1);
\foreach \i in {21,...,60}{
\coordinate (Q) at ($(D)!0.1*\i!(D1)$);
\coordinate (Q1) at (intersection of D--D2 and Q--S1);
\coordinate (P\i) at (intersection of {$(Q)+(RA)$}--Q and {$(Q1)+(RB)$}--Q1);
\foreach \i in {-40,-10,50}{\fill[red] (P\i) circle (1.3pt);}
\draw [thick,name path=line1] plot [smooth, tension=2] coordinates {(P-40) (P-39) (P-38) (P-37) (P-36) (P-35) (P-34) (P-33) (P-32) (P-31) (P-30) (P-29) (P-28) (P-27) (P-26) (P-25) (P-24) (P-23) (P-22) (P-21) (P-20) (P-19) (P-18) (P-17) (P-16) (P-15) (P-14) (P-13) (P-12) (P-11) (P-10) (P-9) (P-8) (P-7) (P-6) (P-5) (P-4) (P-3) (P-2) (P-1) (P0) (P1) (P2) (P3) (P4) (P5) (P6) (P7) (P8) (P9) (P10) (P11) (P12) (P13) };
\draw [blue, thick] plot [smooth, tension=2] coordinates {(P21) (P22) (P23) (P24) (P25) (P26) (P27) (P28) (P29) (P30) (P31) (P32) (P33) (P34) (P35) (P36) (P37) (P38) (P39) (P40) (P41) (P42) (P43) (P44) (P45) (P46) (P47) (P48) (P49) (P50) (P51) (P52) (P53) (P54) (P55) (P56) (P57) (P58) (P59) (P60)};
\coordinate (C) at (intersection of {$(S1)+(RB)$}--S1 and D--D1);
\coordinate (E) at (intersection of {$(S1)+(RA)$}--S1 and D--D2);
\fill[red] (C) circle (1pt);
\fill[red] (E) circle (1pt);
\node[anchor=south east] at (C){$C$};
\node[anchor=south] at (E){$E$};
\draw[name path=CB] ($(C)-3*(RB)$)--($(C)+6*(RB)$);
\draw[name path=EA] ($(E)-(RA)$)--($(E)+8*(RA)$);
\path[%draw,line width=3,orange,
name path=EDandCB,
intersection segments={
of=ED and CB,
sequence={A1 -- B1}
\path[%draw,line width=3,purple,
name path=EAandCD,
intersection segments={
of=EA and CD,
sequence={A1[reverse] -- B1}
\pgfonlayer{pre main}
\fill [
intersection segments={
of=EDandCB and line1,
sequence={A1 -- B0}
\fill [
intersection segments={
of=EAandCD and line1,
[1]: http://texwelt.de/wissen/fragen/4153/wie-kann-ich-die-flache-zwischen-mehreren-pfaden-fullen
[2]: http://texwelt.de/wissen/fragen/4153/wie-kann-ich-die-flache-zwischen-mehreren-pfaden-fullen/4161
[3]: http://texwelt.de/wissen/upfiles/tw_fuellung.png