tikz library angle - Winkel schließt nicht
Ich verzweifel noch an dieser `angle` library...
angle radius=0.75cm
\draw[name path=A] (0,0) coordinate (A) -- (5,0) coordinate (B);
\draw[name path=B] (1,2) coordinate (C) -- (3,-1) coordinate (D);
\path[name intersections={of=A and B,name=i}];
\draw pic["$\alpha$", draw=red, ->] {angle=D--i-1--B};
\draw pic["$\alpha'$", draw=blue, ->] {angle=C--i-1--A};
\draw[name path=A] (0,0) coordinate (A) -- (5,0) coordinate (B);
\draw[name path=B] (3,2) coordinate (C) -- (1,-1) coordinate (D);
\draw[name path=C] (0,1) coordinate (E) -- (5,1) coordinate (F);
\path[name intersections={of=A and C,name=i}];
\path[name intersections={of=B and C,name=j}];
\draw pic["$\alpha$", draw=red, ->] {angle=B--i-1--C};
\draw pic["$\alpha'$", draw=blue, ->] {angle=C--j-1--E};
1.) Wieso schließt der Winkel im Stufenwinkelschaubild nicht?
2.) Wieso funktioniert der folgende Code nicht?
angle radius=0.75cm
\draw[name path=A] (0,0) coordinate (A) -- (5,0) coordinate (B);
\draw[name path=B] (3,2) coordinate (C) -- (1,-1) coordinate (D);
\draw[name path=C] (0,1) coordinate (E) -- (5,1) coordinate (F);
\path[name intersections={of=A and C,name=i}];
\path[name intersections={of=B and C,name=j}];
\draw pic["$\alpha$", draw=red, ->] {angle=B--i-1--C};
\draw pic["$\alpha'$", draw=blue, ->] {angle=C--j-1--E};