Klicke auf Einblenden/Ausblenden von Überarbeitungen 2

14 Jan '17, 19:33

hking's gravatar image


Attention: to get rid of the "SSL connection problem" with MiKTeX **MiKTeX version 2.9.6219 2.9.6219** during an update run the environment variable name to set has changed: - basic-miktex-2.9.6219-x64.exe changed. Details see the following comment of Christian Schenk: [https://sourceforge.net/p/miktex/bugs/2548/?limit=25&page=2#edcc][1] Now, it is named: set MIKTEX_MPM_REMOTESERVICE6210=multiplexor Before, it was called: set MIKTEX_MPM_REMOTESERVICE6100=multiplexor [1]: https://sourceforge.net/p/miktex/bugs/2548/?limit=25&page=2#edcc
Klicke auf Einblenden/Ausblenden von Überarbeitungen 1

14 Jan '17, 19:32

hking's gravatar image


Attention: to get rid of the "SSL connection problem" with MiKTeX version 2.9.6219 during an update run the environment variable name to set has changed: - basic-miktex-2.9.6219-x64.exe Details see the following comment of Christian Schenk: [https://sourceforge.net/p/miktex/bugs/2548/?limit=25&page=2#edcc][1] Now, it is named: set MIKTEX_MPM_REMOTESERVICE6210=multiplexor Before, it was called: set MIKTEX_MPM_REMOTESERVICE6100=multiplexor [1]: https://sourceforge.net/p/miktex/bugs/2548/?limit=25&page=2#edcc

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