Zitieren mit \documentclass[aos]{imsart}; \cite=\citep?
ich Ich möchte ein Document in \documentclass[aos}{imsart} schreiben.
Die Vorlage von [hier][1] läuft auch soweit. Allerdings sehen alle Zitate wie "\[1\]" aus,
egal ob ich \cite oder \citep benutze.
Am liebsten hätte ich eine author-year citation.
Wäre toll, wenn jemand einen Tipp hat, was das Problem sein könnte.
Hier das "Minimal"beispiel:
\title{A Sample Document\thanksref{T1}}
\runtitle{A Sample Document}
\thankstext{T1}{Footnote to the title with the ``thankstext'' command.}
\author{\fnms{First} \snm{Author}\thanksref{t1,t2,m1}\ead[label=e1]{first@somewhere.com}},
\author{\fnms{Second} \snm{Author}\thanksref{t3,m1,m2}\ead[label=e2]{second@somewhere.com}}
\author{\fnms{Third} \snm{Author}\thanksref{t1,m2}
\thankstext{t1}{Some comment}
\thankstext{t2}{First supporter of the project}
\thankstext{t3}{Second supporter of the project}
\runauthor{F. Author et al.}
\affiliation{Some University\thanksmark{m1} and Another University\thanksmark{m2}}
\address{Address of the First and Second authors\\
Usually a few lines long\\
\phantom{E-mail:\ }\printead*{e2}}
\address{Address of the Third author\\
Usually a few lines long\\
Usually a few lines long\\
\kwd[Primary ]{60K35}
\kwd[; secondary ]{60K35}
\section{Ordinary text}
blablaBla \cite{r1,r2,r3}
blablabla \cite{r1,r2,r3,r4}
blablabla\cite{lamport94} \cite{notes}
Leslie Lamport,
\emph{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}.
Addison Wesley, Massachusetts,
2nd Edition,
\bibitem[Dower(1991)]{notes} John W. Dower {\em Readings compiled for History
21.479.} 1991.
\textsc{Billingsley, P.} (1999). \textit{Convergence of
Probability Measures}, 2nd ed.
Wiley, New York.
\textsc{Bourbaki, N.} (1966). \textit{General Topology} \textbf{1}.
Addison--Wesley, Reading, MA.
\textsc{Ethier, S. N.} and \textsc{Kurtz, T. G.} (1985).
\textit{Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence}.
Wiley, New York.
\textsc{Prokhorov, Yu.} (1956).
Convergence of random processes and limit theorems in probability
theory. \textit{Theory Probab. Appl.}
\textbf{1} 157--214.
[1]: http://imstat.org/aos/manprep.html