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18 Sep '18, 16:15

helmutW's gravatar image


File Tree: Wie kann ich einen weiteren String auf der Verbindungslinie setzen?

Mit der Hilfe eines Users von texwelt.de konnte ich einen Zeilenumbruch in der tikz Umgebung realisieren. Danke! (Siehe Code) **Nun zu meiner abschließenden Frage zu dem Thema Filetree/usepackage Forest...** Wie kann ich dieses Mal einen weiteren unabhängigen Node in der "gleichen Zeile" direkt auf der Verbindungslinie setzen? Der weitere Node (im Bild mit roter Schriftfarbe) besteht aus mehreren Zeichen somit müsste die Horizontale Linie auch in die Länge gezogen werden. mein Code: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper,titlepage,bibliography=totoc,numbers=noenddot,abstract=on,multi,dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names]{scrreprt} \documentclass[11pt,a4paper,titlepage,bibliography=totoc,numbers=noenddot,abstract=on,multi,dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names]{scrreprt} \usepackage{storebox} \usepackage[edges]{forest} \usepackage{adjustbox} %Zeilenumbruch in der tikz Umgebung! % addaswyd o gôd Sašo Živanović: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/296771/ \def\hiddenparcommand{\par} \newcommand\otherhiddenparcommand{\par\noindent} \newcommand\hiddencommacommand{, } \forestset{% declare keylist register={split here ids},% the list of nodes to split the tree at split here ids={}, declare keylist register={split here interjects},% the list of comments to put in between the tree parts split here interjects={}, declare keylist={split here auto siblings}{},% a list to hold the siblings which need edge restoration declare toks register=split here toks, declare dimen register=tmpdima, tmpdima'=0pt, declare dimen register=tmpdimb, tmpdimb'=0pt, declare dimen register=tmpdimc, tmpdimc'=0pt, to widest/.style={ tikz+={\path (\forestregister{tempdima}, \forestoption{y}) -- (\forestregister{tempdimb}, \forestoption{y});}, }, hide commas/.style={% split here toks+={\hiddencommacommand}, split here toks+={#1}, }, split dir tree pre/.style={% label={[text=gray, anchor=north, font=\scriptsize]below:{[cont.]}{}}, }, split dir tree post/.style={% label={[font=\scriptsize, anchor=south, text=gray]above:{[cont.]}{}}, }, split dir tree auto post/.style={% this gets applied to the first node after a break split dir tree post, tempkeylistc'={}, tmpdimb/.option=y, for nodewalk={ while={ > ORw2+d _+d < On=! & {y}{tmpdimb}{##2-##1} {\textheight-#1} {n'}{1}% }{ next, tempkeylistc/.option=name }% }{}, % save the list split here auto siblings/.register=tempkeylistc, tikz+/.process={% this tries to redraw the edges to the following siblings OOw2{edge}{id}% {% \path [##1] (!u.parent anchor |- .north) ++(\forestregister{folder indent},1ex) coordinate (before ##2) |- (.child anchor); \edef\tempa{\foresteoption{split here auto siblings}} \foreach \i in \tempa \path [##1] (before ##2) |- ({forest cs:\i.child anchor}); }% }, }, split dir tree/.code={% \forestset{% draw tree stage/.style={ for root'={ tempdima/.min={% >OOw2+d{x}{min x}{####1+####2}% }{tree}, tempdimb/.max={% >OOw2+d{x}{max x}{####1+####2}% }{tree}, for tree={% to widest, }, }, tempcountb'=-1, do until={% strequal((split_here_ids),"") }{% tempkeylistb'={}, tempkeylista'={}, split register={split here ids}{,}{tempcounta,tempkeylistb+}, split register={split here interjects}{,}{temptoksa,tempkeylista+}, split here ids'/.register=tempkeylistb, split here interjects'/.register=tempkeylista, % Sašo Živanović: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28484520#28484520 for nodewalk={% draw tree processing order/.style={% filter={tree}{> ORw+n< OR> & {id}{tempcounta}{########1+1}{id}{tempcountb}}% }% }{}, for root'={draw tree}, TeX/.process={Rw{temptoksa}{\otherhiddenparcommand ####1\hiddenparcommand}}, tempcountb'/.register=tempcounta, }, for nodewalk={% draw tree processing order/.style={% filter={tree}{>OR>{id}{tempcountb}}% }% }{}, for root'={draw tree}, }, }% }, split dir here auto/.style n args=2{% split dir tree pre, !next node.split dir tree auto post=#2, split here ids+/.option=id, % !next node.split resume here ids+/.option=id, split={#1}{,}{split here toks,hide commas}, split here interjects/.register=split here toks, }, split dir tree auto/.style={% split dir tree, before drawing tree={% tempdima/.max={y}{tree}, tempdimc/.register=tempdima, tempdimd/.min={y}{tree}, tempdima-/.register=tempdimd, tempdimb'=\textheight, tmpdima'=10ex, tmpdimc'=\pagetotal, while={% >RR>{tempdima}{tempdimb}% }{% for nodewalk={% root', until={% > ROw2+d RRw2+d > {tempdimc}{y}{##1-##2} {tmpdima}{tmpdimc}{\textheight-##2-##1}% }{next node}, previous node, split dir here auto/.process={R_w2{tmpdima}{continued}{{##2}{##1}}}, next node, tempdima/.option=y, tempdimc/.register=tempdima, tempdima-/.register=tempdimd, tmpdima'=15ex, tmpdimc'=0pt }{}, }, }, }, } %Zeilenumbruch in der tikz Umgebung! Ende \begin{document} \begin{forest} for tree={ folder, grow'=0, fit=band, }, split dir tree auto, [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] ] ] ] \end{forest} \end{document} Danke. [![alt text][1]][1] [1]: https://texwelt.de/wissen/upfiles/aaa_1.PNG
Klicke auf Einblenden/Ausblenden von Überarbeitungen 2

18 Sep '18, 16:14

helmutW's gravatar image


File Tree: Wie kann ich einen weiteren String auf der Verbindungslinie setzen?

Mit der Hilfe eines Users von texwelt.de konnte ich einen Zeilenumbruch in der tikz Umgebung realisieren. Danke! (Siehe Code) **Nun zu meiner abschließenden Frage zu dem Thema Filetree/usepackage Forest...** Wie kann ich dieses Mal einen weiteren unabhängigen Node in der "gleichen Zeile" setzen. direkt auf der Verbindungslinie setzen? Der weitere Node (im Bild rot) mit roter Schriftfarbe) besteht aus mehreren Zeichen somit müsste die Horizontale Linie auch in die Länge gezogen werden. mein Code: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper,titlepage,bibliography=totoc,numbers=noenddot,abstract=on,multi,dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names]{scrreprt} \usepackage{storebox} \usepackage[edges]{forest} \usepackage{adjustbox} %Zeilenumbruch in der tikz Umgebung! % addaswyd o gôd Sašo Živanović: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/296771/ \def\hiddenparcommand{\par} \newcommand\otherhiddenparcommand{\par\noindent} \newcommand\hiddencommacommand{, } \forestset{% declare keylist register={split here ids},% the list of nodes to split the tree at split here ids={}, declare keylist register={split here interjects},% the list of comments to put in between the tree parts split here interjects={}, declare keylist={split here auto siblings}{},% a list to hold the siblings which need edge restoration declare toks register=split here toks, declare dimen register=tmpdima, tmpdima'=0pt, declare dimen register=tmpdimb, tmpdimb'=0pt, declare dimen register=tmpdimc, tmpdimc'=0pt, to widest/.style={ tikz+={\path (\forestregister{tempdima}, \forestoption{y}) -- (\forestregister{tempdimb}, \forestoption{y});}, }, hide commas/.style={% split here toks+={\hiddencommacommand}, split here toks+={#1}, }, split dir tree pre/.style={% label={[text=gray, anchor=north, font=\scriptsize]below:{[cont.]}{}}, }, split dir tree post/.style={% label={[font=\scriptsize, anchor=south, text=gray]above:{[cont.]}{}}, }, split dir tree auto post/.style={% this gets applied to the first node after a break split dir tree post, tempkeylistc'={}, tmpdimb/.option=y, for nodewalk={ while={ > ORw2+d _+d < On=! & {y}{tmpdimb}{##2-##1} {\textheight-#1} {n'}{1}% }{ next, tempkeylistc/.option=name }% }{}, % save the list split here auto siblings/.register=tempkeylistc, tikz+/.process={% this tries to redraw the edges to the following siblings OOw2{edge}{id}% {% \path [##1] (!u.parent anchor |- .north) ++(\forestregister{folder indent},1ex) coordinate (before ##2) |- (.child anchor); \edef\tempa{\foresteoption{split here auto siblings}} \foreach \i in \tempa \path [##1] (before ##2) |- ({forest cs:\i.child anchor}); }% }, }, split dir tree/.code={% \forestset{% draw tree stage/.style={ for root'={ tempdima/.min={% >OOw2+d{x}{min x}{####1+####2}% }{tree}, tempdimb/.max={% >OOw2+d{x}{max x}{####1+####2}% }{tree}, for tree={% to widest, }, }, tempcountb'=-1, do until={% strequal((split_here_ids),"") }{% tempkeylistb'={}, tempkeylista'={}, split register={split here ids}{,}{tempcounta,tempkeylistb+}, split register={split here interjects}{,}{temptoksa,tempkeylista+}, split here ids'/.register=tempkeylistb, split here interjects'/.register=tempkeylista, % Sašo Živanović: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28484520#28484520 for nodewalk={% draw tree processing order/.style={% filter={tree}{> ORw+n< OR> & {id}{tempcounta}{########1+1}{id}{tempcountb}}% }% }{}, for root'={draw tree}, TeX/.process={Rw{temptoksa}{\otherhiddenparcommand ####1\hiddenparcommand}}, tempcountb'/.register=tempcounta, }, for nodewalk={% draw tree processing order/.style={% filter={tree}{>OR>{id}{tempcountb}}% }% }{}, for root'={draw tree}, }, }% }, split dir here auto/.style n args=2{% split dir tree pre, !next node.split dir tree auto post=#2, split here ids+/.option=id, % !next node.split resume here ids+/.option=id, split={#1}{,}{split here toks,hide commas}, split here interjects/.register=split here toks, }, split dir tree auto/.style={% split dir tree, before drawing tree={% tempdima/.max={y}{tree}, tempdimc/.register=tempdima, tempdimd/.min={y}{tree}, tempdima-/.register=tempdimd, tempdimb'=\textheight, tmpdima'=10ex, tmpdimc'=\pagetotal, while={% >RR>{tempdima}{tempdimb}% }{% for nodewalk={% root', until={% > ROw2+d RRw2+d > {tempdimc}{y}{##1-##2} {tmpdima}{tmpdimc}{\textheight-##2-##1}% }{next node}, previous node, split dir here auto/.process={R_w2{tmpdima}{continued}{{##2}{##1}}}, next node, tempdima/.option=y, tempdimc/.register=tempdima, tempdima-/.register=tempdimd, tmpdima'=15ex, tmpdimc'=0pt }{}, }, }, }, } %Zeilenumbruch in der tikz Umgebung! Ende \begin{document} \begin{forest} for tree={ folder, grow'=0, fit=band, }, split dir tree auto, [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] ] [ XYZ [ XYZ [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] [ XYZ ] ] ] ] ] \end{forest} \end{document} Danke. [![alt text][1]][1] [1]: https://texwelt.de/wissen/upfiles/aaa_1.PNG
Klicke auf Einblenden/Ausblenden von Überarbeitungen 1

18 Sep '18, 16:12

helmutW's gravatar image
