Klicke auf Einblenden/Ausblenden von Überarbeitungen 3

30 Apr '14, 10:36

cis's gravatar image


![alt text][1] Aus [KOMA-Script-Homepage:][2] \documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 12pt]{scrbook} %Seitenzahlen mittig, keine LEERSEITEN %\documentclass[a4paper, cleardoubleplain, oneside 12pt]{scrbook} %Seitenzahlen rechts und links, keine LEERSEITEN \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{scrpage2} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{blindtext} \makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % DAUMENREGISTER % Chapter thumbs with scrpage2 % % Safty first \@ifundefined{chapter}{\let\chapter\undefined \chapter must be defined to use chapter thumbs!}{% % Two new commands for the width and height of the boxes with the % chapter number at the thumbs (use of commands instead of lengths % for sparing registers) \newcommand*{\chapterthumbwidth}{5em} %{2em} \newcommand*{\chapterthumbheight}{2em} %{1em} % Two new commands for the colors of the box background and the % chapter numbers of the thumbs \newcommand*{\chapterthumbboxcolor}{red} %{black} \newcommand*{\chapterthumbtextcolor}{yellow} %{white} % New command to set a chapter thumb. I'm using a group at this % command, because I'm changing the temporary dimension \@tempdima \newcommand*{\putchapterthumb}{% \begingroup \Large % calculate the horizontal possition of the right paper border % (I ignore \hoffset, because I interprete \hoffset moves the page % at the paper e.g. if you are using cropmarks) \setlength{\@tempdima}{\@oddheadshift}% (internal from scrpage2) \setlength{\@tempdima}{-\@tempdima}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{\paperwidth}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-\oddsidemargin}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-1in}% % putting the thumbs should not change the horizontal % possition \rlap{% % move to the calculated horizontal possition \hspace*{\@tempdima}% % putting the thumbs should not change the vertical % possition \vbox to 0pt{% % calculate the vertical possition of the thumbs (I ignore % \voffset for the same reasons told above) \setlength{\@tempdima}{\chapterthumbwidth}% \multiply\@tempdima by\value{chapter}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-\chapterthumbwidth}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-\baselineskip}% % move to the calculated vertical possition \vspace*{\@tempdima}% % put the thumbs left so the current horizontal possition \llap{% % and rotate them \rotatebox{90}{\colorbox{\chapterthumbboxcolor} {% \parbox[c][\chapterthumbheight][c]{\chapterthumbwidth}{% \centering \textcolor{\chapterthumbtextcolor}{% \strut\thechapter}\\ }% }% }% }% % avoid overfull \vbox messages \vss }% }% \endgroup } % New command, which works like \lohead but also puts the thumbs (you % cannot use \ihead with this definition but you may change this, if % you use more internal scrpage2 commands) \newcommand*{\loheadwithchapterthumbs}[2][]{% \lohead[\putchapterthumb#1]{\putchapterthumb#2}% } % initial use \loheadwithchapterthumbs{} \pagestyle{scrheadings} } % % End of chapter thumbs with scrpage2 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \makeatother %=========== \begin{document} %=========== \tableofcontents \part{Überschrift des 1. Teils} \chapter{Kapitel 1} \section{Abschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsubsection{Unterunterabschnitt} \paragraph{Paragraph} \subparagraph{Unterparagraph} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \chapter{Kapitel 2} \section{Abschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsubsection{Unterunterabschnitt} \paragraph{Paragraph} \subparagraph{Unterparagraph} \chapter{Kapitel 3} \section{Abschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsubsection{Unterunterabschnitt} \paragraph{Paragraph} \subparagraph{Unterparagraph} \part{Überschrift des 2. Teils} %=========== \end{document} %=========== [1]: http://texwelt.de/wissen/upfiles/aaaaaha22tf__--13-1215_03_1.pnghttp://texwelt.de/wissen/upfiles/aaaaaha22tf__--13-1215_03_1.png [2]: http://www.komascript.de/chapterthumbs-example
Klicke auf Einblenden/Ausblenden von Überarbeitungen 2

29 Apr '14, 23:48

cis's gravatar image


![alt text][1] \documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 12pt]{scrbook} %Seitenzahlen mittig, keine LEERSEITEN %\documentclass[a4paper, cleardoubleplain, oneside 12pt]{scrbook} %Seitenzahlen rechts und links, keine LEERSEITEN \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{scrpage2} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{blindtext} \makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % DAUMENREGISTER % Chapter thumbs with scrpage2 % % Safty first \@ifundefined{chapter}{\let\chapter\undefined \chapter must be defined to use chapter thumbs!}{% % Two new commands for the width and height of the boxes with the % chapter number at the thumbs (use of commands instead of lengths % for sparing registers) \newcommand*{\chapterthumbwidth}{5em} %{2em} \newcommand*{\chapterthumbheight}{2em} %{1em} % Two new commands for the colors of the box background and the % chapter numbers of the thumbs \newcommand*{\chapterthumbboxcolor}{red} %{black} \newcommand*{\chapterthumbtextcolor}{yellow} %{white} % New command to set a chapter thumb. I'm using a group at this % command, because I'm changing the temporary dimension \@tempdima \newcommand*{\putchapterthumb}{% \begingroup \Large % calculate the horizontal possition of the right paper border % (I ignore \hoffset, because I interprete \hoffset moves the page % at the paper e.g. if you are using cropmarks) \setlength{\@tempdima}{\@oddheadshift}% (internal from scrpage2) \setlength{\@tempdima}{-\@tempdima}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{\paperwidth}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-\oddsidemargin}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-1in}% % putting the thumbs should not change the horizontal % possition \rlap{% % move to the calculated horizontal possition \hspace*{\@tempdima}% % putting the thumbs should not change the vertical % possition \vbox to 0pt{% % calculate the vertical possition of the thumbs (I ignore % \voffset for the same reasons told above) \setlength{\@tempdima}{\chapterthumbwidth}% \multiply\@tempdima by\value{chapter}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-\chapterthumbwidth}% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-\baselineskip}% % move to the calculated vertical possition \vspace*{\@tempdima}% % put the thumbs left so the current horizontal possition \llap{% % and rotate them \rotatebox{90}{\colorbox{\chapterthumbboxcolor} {% \parbox[c][\chapterthumbheight][c]{\chapterthumbwidth}{% \centering \textcolor{\chapterthumbtextcolor}{% \strut\thechapter}\\ }% }% }% }% % avoid overfull \vbox messages \vss }% }% \endgroup } % New command, which works like \lohead but also puts the thumbs (you % cannot use \ihead with this definition but you may change this, if % you use more internal scrpage2 commands) \newcommand*{\loheadwithchapterthumbs}[2][]{% \lohead[\putchapterthumb#1]{\putchapterthumb#2}% } % initial use \loheadwithchapterthumbs{} \pagestyle{scrheadings} } % % End of chapter thumbs with scrpage2 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \makeatother %=========== \begin{document} %=========== \tableofcontents \part{Überschrift des 1. Teils} \chapter{Kapitel 1} \section{Abschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsubsection{Unterunterabschnitt} \paragraph{Paragraph} \subparagraph{Unterparagraph} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \chapter{Kapitel 2} \section{Abschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsubsection{Unterunterabschnitt} \paragraph{Paragraph} \subparagraph{Unterparagraph} \chapter{Kapitel 3} \section{Abschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsection{Unterabschnitt} \subsubsection{Unterunterabschnitt} \paragraph{Paragraph} \subparagraph{Unterparagraph} \part{Überschrift des 2. Teils} %=========== \end{document} %===========%=========== [1]: http://texwelt.de/wissen/upfiles/aaaaaha22tf__--13-1215_03_1.png
Klicke auf Einblenden/Ausblenden von Überarbeitungen 1

29 Apr '14, 23:30

cis's gravatar image


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