Kalendervorlage 2015
ich erstelle mir gerade eine Kalendervorlage für 2015 und habe folgendes Anliegen. Ich würde gerne Geburtstage einpflegen. Dazu sollen in der linken Spalte an einem Tag jeweils ein Text (Name) und in der rechten gffs. ein Bild reingesetzt werden. Das ganze wird eine Art eihnachtsgeschenk und dann selbst gedruckt.
Bsp. siehe der 18.02.
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\textsc{Max Mustermanns Kalender}\vspace*{-0.5in}
\Huge\textbf{Jahres\"ubersicht\\2015} \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& & & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\
5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11\\
12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 & 17 & 18\\
19 & 20 & 21 & 22 & 23 & 24 & 25\\
26 & 27 & 28 & 29 & 30 & 31 & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& & & & & & 1\\
2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8\\
9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15\\
16 & 17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 21 & 22\\
23 & 24 & 25 & 26 & 27 & 28 & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& & & & & & 1\\
2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8\\
9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15\\
16 & 17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 21 & 22\\
23 & 24 & 25 & 26 & 27 & 28 & 29\\
30 & 31 & & & & & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5\\
6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12\\
13 & 14 & 15 & 16 & 17 & 18 & 19\\
20 & 21 & 22 & 23 & 24 & 25 & 26\\
27 & 28 & 29 & 30 & & & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& & & & 1 & 2 & 3\\
4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10\\
11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 & 17\\
18 & 19 & 20 & 21 & 22 & 23 & 24\\
25 & 26 & 27 & 28 & 29 & 30 & 31\\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7\\
8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14\\
15 & 16 & 17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 21\\
22 & 23 & 24 & 25 & 26 & 27 & 28\\
29 & 30 & & & & & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5\\
6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12\\
13 & 14 & 15 & 16 & 17 & 18 & 19\\
20 & 21 & 22 & 23 & 24 & 25 & 26\\
27 & 28 & 29 & 30 & 31 & & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& & & & & 1 & 2\\
3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9\\
10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16\\
17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 21 & 22 & 23\\
24 & 25 & 26 & 27 & 28 & 29 & 30\\
31 & & & & & & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6\\
7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13\\
14 & 15 & 16 & 17 & 18 & 19 & 20\\
21 & 22 & 23 & 24 & 25 & 26 & 27\\
28 & 29 & 30 & & & & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& & & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4\\
5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11\\
12 & 13 & 14 & 15 & 16 & 17 & 18\\
19 & 20 & 21 & 22 & 23 & 24 & 25\\
26 & 27 & 28 & 29 & 30 & 31 & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& & & & & & 1\\
2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8\\
9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13 & 14 & 15\\
16 & 17 & 18 & 19 & 20 & 21 & 22\\
23 & 24 & 25 & 26 & 27 & 28 & 29\\
30 & & & & & & \\
\textbf{Mo} & \textbf{Di} & \textbf{Mi} & \textbf{Do} & \textbf{Fr} & \textbf{Sa} & \textbf{So} \\
& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6\\
7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12 & 13\\
14 & 15 & 16 & 17 & 18 & 19 & 20\\
21 & 22 & 23 & 24 & 25 & 26 & 27\\
28 & 29 & 30 & 31 & & & \\
\textsc{ \textbf{Dezember\,2014\,\textbar\,Januar\,2015}, Woche\,1}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 31 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \normalsize \textit{Neujahr}~\myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Januar\,2015}, Woche\,2}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Januar\,2015}, Woche\,3}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Januar\,2015}, Woche\,4}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Januar / Februar\,2015}, Woche\,5}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 31 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Februar\,2015}, Woche\,6}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Februar\,2015}, Woche\,7}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Februar\,2015}, Woche\,8}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
%\\%% end parbox
\draw[red,fill=red] (0,0) .. controls (0,0.75) and (-1.5,1.00) .. (-1.5,2) arc (180:0:0.75) -- cycle; (1 cm)
\draw[red,fill=red] (0,0) .. controls (0,0.75) and ( 1.5,1.00) .. ( 1.5,2) arc (0:180:0.75) -- cycle; (1 cm)
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Februar / M\"arz\,2015}, Woche\,9}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{M\"arz\,2015}, Woche\,10}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{M\"arz\,2015}, Woche\,11}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{M\"arz\,2015}, Woche\,12}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{M\"arz\,2015}, Woche\,13}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{M\"arz / April\,2015}, Woche\,14}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 31 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{Karfreitag}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{April\,2015}, Woche\,15}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{Ostermontag}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{April\,2015}, Woche\,16}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{April\,2015}, Woche\,17}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{April / Mai\,2015}, Woche\,18}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{Tag der Arbeit}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Mai\,2015}, Woche\,19}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Mai\,2015}, Woche\,20}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{Christi Himmelfahrt}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Mai\,2015}, Woche\,21}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Mai\,2015}, Woche\,22}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{Pfingstmontag}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 31 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Juni\,2015}, Woche\,23}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{Fronleichnam}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Juni\,2015}, Woche\,24}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Juni\,2015}, Woche\,25}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Juni\,2015}, Woche\,26}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Juni / Juli\,2015}, Woche\,27}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Juli\,2015}, Woche\,28}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Juli\,2015}, Woche\,29}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Juli\,2015}, Woche\,30}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Juli / August\,2015}, Woche\,31}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 31 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{August\,2015}, Woche\,32}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{August\,2015}, Woche\,33}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{August\,2015}, Woche\,34}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{August\,2015}, Woche\,35}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{August / September\,2015}, Woche\,36}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 31 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{September\,2015}, Woche\,37}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{September\,2015}, Woche\,38}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{September\,2015}, Woche\,39}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{September / Oktober\,2015}, Woche\,40}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{Tag der Deutschen Einheit}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Oktober\,2015}, Woche\,41}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Oktober\,2015}, Woche\,42}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Oktober\,2015}, Woche\,43}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Oktober / November\,2015}, Woche\,44}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 31 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{Allerheiligen}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{November\,2015}, Woche\,45}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{November\,2015}, Woche\,46}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{November\,2015}, Woche\,47}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{November\,2015}, Woche\,48}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{November / Dezember\,2015}, Woche\,49}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 1 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 2 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 3 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 4 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 5 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 6 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Dezember\,2015}, Woche\,50}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 7 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 8 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 9 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 10 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 11 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 12 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 13 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Dezember\,2015}, Woche\,51}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 14 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 15 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 16 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 17 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 18 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 19 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 20 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Dezember\,2015}, Woche\,52}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 21 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 22 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 23 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 24 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 25 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Freitag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{1.\,Weihnachtstag}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 26 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Samstag}~ \normalsize \textit{\textcolor{red}{2.\,Weihnachstag}}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 27 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Sonntag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ \textbf{Dezember\,2015}, Woche\,53}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 28 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Montag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 29 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Dienstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 30 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Mittwoch}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
\textbf{\Huge \begin{spacing}{0.5}{ 31 } \end{spacing}} \hspace{1cm}~ \textbf{\large Donnerstag}~ \myhrulefill{0.5pt}~%
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
}% end parbox
} % end week_parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
% % ==========================================================================================
% % ==========================================================================================
\textsc{ Notizen}\vspace*{-0.5in}%
\rule[0mm]{0mm}{2cm}% end parbox
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