! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!produced! Bitte hilf mir so schnell wie möglich
(I understand german, but i wrote my question in english:)
i am a beginner to LaTex and i use Texstudio on mac. I get some errors like "
! File ended while scanning use of \blockHeaderDef.
<inserted text>
<*> template.tex"
, which i can't get rid of.. I had the completed .tex file which someone wrote and i just needed to put my text instead. My first problem, which comes really often, is that after i insert this line : \input{../00-LaTeX-Template/definitions/packages} , the latex says that "packages" doesn't exist, do you want to create it? and when i copy the content, it doesn't save it and nothing happens...
my second problem is that as you see in the screenshot the pdf-view doesn't exist at all, although i could see the pdf , but after i run the program the pdf viewer is just grey and blank and now ist the pdf file deleted from the folder and i get this, that latex says, it can't find my file, perhaps it's deleted!! .. although i did nothing..
Außerdem habe ich noch 2 Underfull \hbox badness 10000.. könnte jemand mir bitte tipps dazu geben? Ich wäre seeehr dankbar.. Danke im Voraus.
Pleaaase help me and explain to me what should i do.. i need to finish this file very very soon.. THANKS A LOT!