Hallo zusammen,

ich bin auf ein neues Problem gestoßen und finde bisher leider keine passende Hilfe über div. Suchen. Daher hoffe ich, dass ihr mir weiterhelfen könnt.

Ich möchte mich ein wenig weiter in Beamer, tikz und Animationen üben und daher folgendes bauen: Der Satz des Pythagoras als Scherungsbeweis. Daher möchte ich eines der Kathetenquadrate scheren (diese Animation funktioniert wunderbar auf Folie 1) und anschließend das entstandene Parallelogramm um den Dreieckspunkt, den es beinhaltet (in diesem Falle B), um 90 Grad gegen den Uhrzeigersinn drehen.

Meine Versuche mit der Option rotate around funktionieren absolut nicht, das Gebilde wird nicht im Ansatz irgendwie gedreht. Es verharrt leider total in seiner Ausgangslage! =(

Hier mein aktueller Code:

Open in Online-Editor

%%%%%%%%%%%% Für Folie 1%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (5,0);
\coordinate (C) at ($(B)+(126.8698976:3)$);
\coordinate (AB) at ($(A)!1!270:(B)$);
\coordinate (BA) at ($(B)!1!90:(A)$);
\coordinate (BC) at ($(B)!1!270:(C)$);
\coordinate (CB) at ($(C)!1!90:(B)$);
\coordinate (CA) at ($(C)!1!270:(A)$);
\coordinate (AC) at ($(A)!1!90:(C)$);
\coordinate (HA) at ($(B)!(A)!(C)$);
\coordinate (HB) at ($(A)!(B)!(C)$);
\coordinate (HC) at ($(A)!(C)!(B)$);
\path[name path=A--HA](A) -- ($(A)!12cm!(HA)$);
\path[name path=B--HB](B) -- ($(B)!12cm!(HB)$);
\path[name path=C--HC](C) -- ($(C)!12cm!(HC)$);
\path[name path=BC--CB](BC) -- (CB);
\coordinate (H) at (intersection of B--HB and A--HA);
\coordinate (HA2) at (intersection of BC--CB and A--HA);
\coordinate (HB2) at (intersection of CA--AC and B--HB);
\coordinate (HC2) at (intersection of BA--AB and C--HC);
\pic[draw,fill=orange, opacity=0.5,angle radius=.15cm]{angle=A--C--B};
\draw (A)--(B)--(C)--cycle;
\draw (A)--(B)--(BA)--(AB)--cycle;
\draw (B)--(C)--(CB)--(BC)--cycle;
\draw (C)--(A)--(AC)--(CA)--cycle;
\draw (C)--(HC2);
\coordinate (WanderCB) at ($(C)!0.05*\setA!(A)+(36.86989765:3)$);
\fill [green!20!white, opacity=.8](BC)--(B)--($(C)!0.05*\setA!(A)$)--(WanderCB)-- cycle;
%%%%%%%%%%%% Für Folie 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (5,0);
\coordinate (C) at ($(B)+(126.8698976:3)$);
\coordinate (AB) at ($(A)!1!270:(B)$);
\coordinate (BA) at ($(B)!1!90:(A)$);
\coordinate (BC) at ($(B)!1!270:(C)$);
\coordinate (CB) at ($(C)!1!90:(B)$);
\coordinate (CA) at ($(C)!1!270:(A)$);
\coordinate (AC) at ($(A)!1!90:(C)$);
\coordinate (HA) at ($(B)!(A)!(C)$);
\coordinate (HB) at ($(A)!(B)!(C)$);
\coordinate (HC) at ($(A)!(C)!(B)$);
\path[name path=A--HA](A) -- ($(A)!12cm!(HA)$);
\path[name path=B--HB](B) -- ($(B)!12cm!(HB)$);
\path[name path=C--HC](C) -- ($(C)!12cm!(HC)$);
\path[name path=BC--CB](BC) -- (CB);
\coordinate (H) at (intersection of B--HB and A--HA);
\coordinate (HA2) at (intersection of BC--CB and A--HA);
\coordinate (HB2) at (intersection of CA--AC and B--HB);
\coordinate (HC2) at (intersection of BA--AB and C--HC);
\pic[draw,fill=orange, opacity=0.5,angle radius=.15cm]{angle=A--C--B};
\draw (A)--(B)--(C)--cycle;
\draw (A)--(B)--(BA)--(AB)--cycle;
\draw (B)--(C)--(CB)--(BC)--cycle;
\draw (C)--(A)--(AC)--(CA)--cycle;
\draw (C)--(HC2);
\coordinate (WanderCB) at ($(A)+(36.86989765:3)$);
\fill [rotate around={\setA:(5,0)},green!20!white, opacity=.8](BC)--(B)--(A)--(WanderCB)-- cycle;

\newcounter{Schritt} %Für Folie 1 / Scherung
\newcounter{Winkel} %FÜr Folie 2 / Drehung um B

%%%%%%%%%%%%% Folie 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    \whiledo{\value{Schritt} < 20}{
       \stepcounter {Schritt}}

%%%%%%%%%%% Folie 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    \whiledo{\value{Winkel} < 90}{
       \stepcounter {Winkel}}

Ich hoffe, dass ihr mir weiterhelfen könnt! :)

gefragt 11 Mai '16, 16:41

Wienie2401's gravatar image

Akzeptiert-Rate: 0%

bearbeitet 11 Mai '16, 16:42

Du musst die Rotation als Option der einzelnen Koordinaten angeben:

Open in Online-Editor
\fill [green!20!white, opacity=.8]
  ([crot]BC)--([crot]B)--([crot]A)--([crot]WanderCB)-- cycle;

und vorher

Open in Online-Editor
\tikzset{crot/.style={{rotate around={\setA:(5,0)}}}}%

alt text

Code für die Abbildung:

Open in Online-Editor

  \tikzset{crot/.style={{rotate around={\setA:(5,0)}}}}%
    \coordinate (A) at (0,0);
    \coordinate (B) at (5,0);
    \coordinate (C) at ($(B)+(126.8698976:3)$);
    \coordinate (AB) at ($(A)!1!270:(B)$);
    \coordinate (BA) at ($(B)!1!90:(A)$);
    \coordinate (BC) at ($(B)!1!270:(C)$);
    \coordinate (CB) at ($(C)!1!90:(B)$);
    \coordinate (CA) at ($(C)!1!270:(A)$);
    \coordinate (AC) at ($(A)!1!90:(C)$);
    \coordinate (HA) at ($(B)!(A)!(C)$);
    \coordinate (HB) at ($(A)!(B)!(C)$);
    \coordinate (HC) at ($(A)!(C)!(B)$);
    \path[name path=A--HA](A) -- ($(A)!12cm!(HA)$);
    \path[name path=B--HB](B) -- ($(B)!12cm!(HB)$);
    \path[name path=C--HC](C) -- ($(C)!12cm!(HC)$);
    \path[name path=BC--CB](BC) -- (CB);
    \coordinate (H) at (intersection of B--HB and A--HA);
    \coordinate (HA2) at (intersection of BC--CB and A--HA);
    \coordinate (HB2) at (intersection of CA--AC and B--HB);
    \coordinate (HC2) at (intersection of BA--AB and C--HC);
    \pic[draw,fill=orange, opacity=0.5,angle radius=.15cm]{angle=A--C--B};
    \draw (A)--(B)--(C)--cycle;
    \draw (A)--(B)--(BA)--(AB)--cycle;
    \draw (B)--(C)--(CB)--(BC)--cycle;
    \draw (C)--(A)--(AC)--(CA)--cycle;
    \draw (C)--(HC2);
    \coordinate (WanderCB) at ($(A)+(36.86989765:3)$);
    \fill [green!20!white, opacity=.8]
      ([crot]BC)--([crot]B)--([crot]A)--([crot]WanderCB)-- cycle;

\foreach \winkel in {0,15,...,90}{\PytB{\winkel}}
Permanenter link

beantwortet 11 Mai '16, 22:12

esdd's gravatar image

Akzeptiert-Rate: 62%

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gestellte Frage: 11 Mai '16, 16:41

Frage wurde gesehen: 5,803 Mal

zuletzt geändert: 11 Mai '16, 22:12