Nachdem ich jetzt den Kram Kann mir jmd. sagen, wie ich das allerletzte Beispiel auf Ich habe Jedenfalls erhalte ich ein leeres Indexdokument: Beispiel aus o.g. Quelle: Öffne in Overleaf
% arara: pdflatex % arara: pdflatex % arara: makeglossaries % arara: bib2gls % arara: pdflatex % arara: clean: { extensions: [acn, acr,alg, aux, glg, glo, gls, ist, out, slg, syg, syi, toc, idx, ind, log, ilg, glstex, bib, syntex, syntex(busy), gz ] } \documentclass{article} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \usepackage[record,% using bib2gls index,% create 'index' glossary abbreviations,% create 'abbreviations' glossary postdot,% insert dot after descriptions nostyles,%don't load predefined styles stylemods={tree,bookindex},% load the 'tree' and 'bookindex' style packages style={tree}% set the default style to 'tree' ]{glossaries-extra} \setabbreviationstyle[common]{short} % set abbreviation style before \GlsXtrLoadResources \GlsXtrLoadResources[ src={terms},% data in terms.bib label-prefix={idx.},% prefix for primary entry labels dual-prefix={},% prefix for dual entry labels type=index,% put primary entries in 'index' glossary combine-dual-locations={primary}% merge locations and assign to primary list ] % provide commands that work like \gls etc for the @index entries % (that don't have a dual counterpart) \glsxtrnewglslike{idx.}{\idx}{\idxpl}{\Idx}{\Idxpl} \begin{document} \section{Sample} First use \gls{debs} and \gls{p2p}. Next use: \gls{debs} and \gls{p2p}. No expansion: \gls{http}. \section{Another Sample} A \gls{duck} and a \gls{parrot}. Lots of \glspl{duck}. \Idx{hippo}, \idxpl{goose} and a \idx{chateau}. \printunsrtglossary % main glossary \printunsrtglossary[type=abbreviations]% list of abbreviations \printunsrtglossary[type=index,style=bookindex] % index \end{document} gefragt 04 Mai '19, 11:18 cis |