
Bei diesem Kalender wird m.E. im Druck der Platz einer DIN A4 Seite (Querformat) nicht optimal ausgenutzt.

Lässt sich der Kreis ggf. in eine Ellipse verwandeln?

alt text

Open in Online-Editor
Code, hier editierbar zum Übersetzen:
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex
% A calendar of circles
% Author: Till Tantau (The PGF manual),
% and Stefan Kottwitz (Modifications such as shaded circles and color)
\documentclass[landscape, ngerman]{article}
% A counter, since TikZ is not clever enough (yet) to handle
% arbitrary angle systems.
\year=2016 %Jahr festlegen
remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.center)},
transform shape,
every day/.style={anchor=mid,node font=\tiny,minimum width=1ex}]
\node[draw, densely dashed, circle,shading=radial,outer color=lightgray,inner color=white,
minimum width=15cm] {\textcolor{blue!80!black}{\Huge\the\year}};
\foreach \month/\monthcolor in
7/summer,8/summer,9/fall,10/fall,11/fall,12/winter} {
% Computer angle:
\advance\mycount by -1
\multiply\mycount by 30
\advance\mycount by -90
\shadedraw[shading=radial,outer color=\monthcolor!30,middle color=white,

gefragt 16 Okt '15, 22:33

cis's gravatar image

Akzeptiert-Rate: 29%

bearbeitet 07 Feb '16, 11:41

saputello's gravatar image


Die einfachste Methode, das ganze elliptisch zu bekommen, besteht darin, für die x- und die y-Richtung unterschiedliche Skalierungsfaktoren zu verwenden, beispielsweise:

Open in Online-Editor
Code, hier editierbar zum Übersetzen:
% A counter, since TikZ is not clever enough (yet) to handle
% arbitrary angle systems.
\year=2016 %Jahr festlegen
remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.center)},
transform shape,
every day/.style={anchor=mid,node font=\tiny,minimum width=1ex}]
\node[draw, densely dashed, circle,shading=radial,outer color=lightgray,inner color=white,
minimum width=15cm] {\textcolor{blue!80!black}{\Huge\the\year}};
\foreach \month/\monthcolor in
7/summer,8/summer,9/fall,10/fall,11/fall,12/winter} {
% Computer angle:
\advance\mycount by -1
\multiply\mycount by 30
\advance\mycount by -90
\shadedraw[shading=radial,outer color=\monthcolor!30,middle color=white,
inner color=white,draw=none] (\the\mycount:5.4cm) circle(1.4cm);
% The actual calendar
\calendar at (\the\mycount:5.4cm) [
dates=\the\year-\month-01 to \the\year-\month-last,
day code={%
\path node[every day]{\tikzdaytext}+(180+\the\mycount:0.22)

Ellipse hochkant


Open in Online-Editor
Code, hier editierbar zum Übersetzen:
% A counter, since TikZ is not clever enough (yet) to handle
% arbitrary angle systems.
\year=2016 %Jahr festlegen
remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.center)},
transform shape,
every day/.style={anchor=mid,node font=\tiny,minimum width=1ex}]
\node[draw, densely dashed, circle,shading=radial,outer color=lightgray,inner color=white,
minimum width=15cm] {\textcolor{blue!80!black}{\Huge\the\year}};
\foreach \month/\monthcolor in
7/summer,8/summer,9/fall,10/fall,11/fall,12/winter} {
% Computer angle:
\advance\mycount by -1
\multiply\mycount by 30
\advance\mycount by -90
\shadedraw[shading=radial,outer color=\monthcolor!30,middle color=white,
inner color=white,draw=none] (\the\mycount:5.4cm) circle(1.4cm);
% The actual calendar
\calendar at (\the\mycount:5.4cm) [
dates=\the\year-\month-01 to \the\year-\month-last,
day code={%
\path node[every day]{\tikzdaytext}+(180+\the\mycount:0.22)

Ellipse quer

Will man hingegen für die Monate weiterhin Kreise verwenden und lediglich den Hintergrund elliptisch haben, so muss man einige zusätzliche Berechnungen anstellen:

Open in Online-Editor
Code, hier editierbar zum Übersetzen:
% A counter, since TikZ is not clever enough (yet) to handle
% arbitrary angle systems.
\year=2016 %Jahr festlegen
remember picture,overlay,shift={(current page.center)},
transform shape,
every day/.style={anchor=mid,node font=\tiny,minimum width=1ex}]
\node[xscale=1.2,draw, densely dashed, circle,shading=radial,outer color=lightgray,inner color=white,
minimum width=15cm] {\textcolor{blue!80!black}{\Huge\the\year}};
\foreach \month/\monthcolor in
7/summer,8/summer,9/fall,10/fall,11/fall,12/winter} {
% Computer angle:
\advance\mycount by -1
\multiply\mycount by 30
\advance\mycount by -90
\shadedraw[shading=radial,outer color=\monthcolor!30,middle color=white,
inner color=white,draw=none] (\the\mycount:\pgfmathresult*5.4) circle(1.4cm);
% The actual calendar
\setlength{\mylength}{\pgfmathresult\dimexpr 5.4cm\relax}
\calendar at (\the\mycount:\mylength) [

Kreise in einer Ellipse

Permanenter link

beantwortet 17 Okt '15, 09:48

saputello's gravatar image

Akzeptiert-Rate: 51%

bearbeitet 17 Okt '15, 10:23

Wow! Einfach die Skalierung ändern, ist natürlich schlau und simpel gelöst ;)

(17 Okt '15, 14:29) cis


alt text

(18 Okt '15, 02:28) cis
Deine Antwort
[Vorschau ausblenden]

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gestellte Frage: 16 Okt '15, 22:33

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zuletzt geändert: 07 Feb '16, 11:41

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